How it Works
The Peachtree Inventory Adjuster was developed with Visual Basic.Net It makes direct calls to
the Btrieve engine that is installed with Peachtree to read and write item records. It understands
the internal structure of the item records, so is able to locate the inventory data within these
After entering physical counts on the Inventory spreadsheet you can click the [Update Peachtree]
button to correct the Peachtree quantities. If the Peachtree posting method is set to batch or smartposting mode the inventory adjuster will insert Inventory Adjustment Journal transactions
into your Peachtree company database for each item where you have specified a count, and you
must manually post the Inventory Adjustment journal in Peachtree to complete processing of the
transactions. If the Peachtree posting method is set the real time, then the transactions cannot
be inserted into the company database, so an import file ADJUST.CSV in your Documents folder
is created and the data in this file must be manually imported through Peachtree. In either case
the adjusted quantity will be such that the quantity on hand in Peachtree at the end of the count
date will agree with the number you entered.
NOTE: the posting process in Peachtree is very complex and completely undocumented. For
example, posting Inventory Adjustment Journal transactions makes changes to the CHART,
JrnlHdr, JrnlRow, LINEITEM, INVCOST, INVCHAIN, and possibly PROJECT files. Despite
extensive study of the changes made to the INVCHAIN file, we have not been able to figure out
how this data is to be generated. For that reason we felt it is best to let Peachtree perform the
posting operations. When the Peachtree posting method is set to real-time, the only way to
accomplish this is to generate a Peachtree Import file and import the data manually.