Brief Tutorial
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Brief Tutorial
Before using the Price Changer on your own data, you should play around with it using the sample Bellwether Garden Supply data that is normally included when you install Peachtree. If you don't have this data on your system, you will need to reinstall Peachtree.
Back up the Bellwether Garden Supply data before starting this brief tutorial so that you can restore the data to its original state later.
The first time the Price Changer is started it will pop up a form asking you to select a Peachtree company:
Browse to the company you want to work with, highlight it in the right panel and click OK. After a company has been selected the main form of the Price Changer will look like this:
You can always select a different company to work with by clicking the "Select Company" item on the menu bar.
The default behavior is to include all active items at all locations. The default number of factors to show on the spreadsheet is 5, which will be illustrated below. To change the filter parameters click the "Change Filter" button to see the filter selection form:
Adjust the filter parameters as desired and then click the Close button.
On the main form click View/Edit Prices to display the spreadsheet for adjusting price data:
The spreadsheet columns are divided into four groups. The first group contains the Item ID and Item Description; the second group contains the current cost (as calculated by Peachtree using the costing method specified for the item) and the current item price levels. The second group contains the price factors: (NOTE >> Columns will CHANGE if you change the number of factors.)
The fourth group contains the new price:
(NOTE >> Columns will CHANGE if you change the number of factors.)
Click on cell V7. It should contain the formula "=E7*P7", which evaluates to the current Price 1. Examine the contents of some of the other new price cells and you should see similar formulas.
Now lets change the way the prices are computed. First we'll rename the factor column titles. Change the name "Factor 1" in column P6 to "Base", the name "Factor 2" in column Q6 to "Markup %", and the name "Factor 3" in column R6 to "Overhead". As long as we update prices later, the new names for the factor labels will be preserved so the next time we use the price changer our new labels will appear.
Next change the Base in cell P7 to be "=D7". That is, it will be the Peachtree computed cost for the item. Copy this formula down to the rest of the cells in column P.
Set the markup % for all items to be 50 and the overhead for all items to be 10.
We want to compute a new Price 1 that is the cost (1+Markup%/100) + Overhead, and the calculated amount should round up to the next cent if there is a fraction of a cent. Enter the formula "=Ceiling(P7*(1+Q7/100)+R7,0.01)" in cell V7 and copy this formula down to the other cells in column V.
Now we want to compute Price 2 through Price 5 to be 5% less than the previous new price
rounded up to the nearest cent. Enter the formula "Ceiling(V4*0.95,0.01)" in cell W7 and copy the
formula right to cells X7 through AE7. Then copy the formulas in columns X though AE down to
all other items. Save & close the spreadsheet.
Finally we will write the new prices back to Peachtree. On the Price Changer form, click the Update Peachtree Prices button and the data will be written to Peachtree.
Exit from the price changer and start it again. Notice that the company, number of factors, workbook name, and filter values have all been preserved from your previous session. Click the View Edit/Prices button to view the spreadsheet again. Notice that the current prices are now the new ones you set from the last session and that the factor labels and the formulas for the factors and new prices have all been retained from your previous session.